Quote of the week
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day

Quote of the day
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
Moshimoshi! :)

Min rast är snart slut så här kommer en snabb inlägg ;)

Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
Godmorgon på er alla!

Jag är påväg till tandläkaren just nu så hinner inte skriva mycket nu, men hoppas alla har haft en bra morgon
Låt oss starta dagen med en quote 😉

Dagens quote
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day

Dagens quote
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day

Dagens quote
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day

God morgon
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
God morgon på er alla ☺️

Jag håller på med min oil pulling just nu och har 10 kvar av tiden
Idag blir det att jobba fram till kl 12 och sen efter så blir det tandläkaren 😫
Det ända som är bra med tandläkaren idag är ju för att se om denna oil pullingen faktist funkar, för många andra tandläkare både från utomlands och här i Sverige har ju godkänt denna teknike.
Så låt oss starta dagen med dagens quote❤️

Dagens quote
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day

Älskar denna quoten ❤️
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
Den dagen ( känner att den dagen börjar närma sig ) folk börjar märka att jag är annorlunda och kanske "bitchig "

Här har ni en bild som förklarar just varför!
Klart att jag är samma människa men jag kommer att visa mer attityd åt dom som förtjänar det

Klaine fanfiction
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day

Jag höll på att läsa en fanfiction om Klaine och blaine har det svårt med sin depression, detta är vad han sa till sin bror för att förklara lite om det.
Denna quoten fick mig att stanna och bara tänka och allt jag tänkte på var " wow jag har aldrig hittat något sånt här som hjälper mig att beskriva hur jag känner "
Quote of the day- januari 9
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
" go where you are wanted and stray from where you aren't. Surround yourself with positive people and environment "
Don't wast time with people who don't appreciate and value you for everything you have to offer. I know so many girls who keep chasing guys thinking the can change them and friends who don't have their interests at heart, but it doesn't work that way. One of the keys to lasting relationships and friendships is mutual respect.
Goal: don't squander your time chasing anyone who has told you they don't want you around. Evaluate all you realrtionships and weed out the negative ones.
Quote of the day- januari 8
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
" love is all you need "
-the Beatles all you need is love
This simple lyric holds so much truth. Above all else, love makes everything right. There have been so many times in life when i felt lost and hopeless, but when I come back to the love I have in my heart for my friends and family and for my own life, I feel at peace.
Goal: let everyone you love know it. Shout it from the rooftops, bake them a cake, write them a letter, or draw them a picture. Don't let them take your love for granted when you have so much to give.
quote of the day- januari 7
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
" Change your thoughts, change your life. "
Lao Tzu
when inwas fighting depression, I remember hearing this expression and not understanding it at first. When I decided to implement it in my life, a whole new world opened up for me. Change the negative, self-loathing thoughts to positive, self-affirming ones. When you're positive about yourself and everything around you, you begin to see the world in a different light. Your life today is what you make of it.
Goal: be mindful of the tome of your thoughts.
quote of the day- januari 6
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
" Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power. "
Jim Morrison
when I was a kid, I had the biggest fear of throwing up and then I ended up becoming bulimic. Subconsciously, I was acting out my greatest fear. I hated throwing up so much that I brought it upon myself.
Goal: make sure you aren't living out your fears, but releasing them. Try to remember that there is a purpose for every hardship or opportunity in your life.
quote of the day- januarie 5
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
" there are so many beautiful, talented souls in this world. Don't let anything stand in the way of your potential. "
I've encountered so many people in my life who tell me that I can't do something. Those people are just testing you and you can't let them bring you down. True friends will lift you up and believe in you. Don't allow anyone to tell you you can't live your dream because if you don't believe in yourself then nobody else will.
Goal: think about one thing you've been holding back on doing and start doing it today. Be fearless
quote of the day- januari 4
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
" Life can be so difficult at times, but fighting through the pain is so worth it. It's better to feel every kind of emotion than not feel at all. "
I thought of this quote when I was at my dad's funeral and it's what got me through the experience. I was on such a rollercoaster of emotions. In the past I would drink or restrict or find any way possible to avoid the immense pain I was in. People often choose to numb their pain with substances, but it's more courageous to walk through the fire with your eyes open. Instead of numbing my Pain by using, I let myself feel all of the emotions that came to me. It was difficult time in my life, but allowing myself to feel sadness and despair helped give way for the celebration of his life. It allowed me to begin healing in a healthy and honest fashion.
Goal: allow yourself to feel the one thing you've been pushing away. Call a friend, be vulnerable, and share it with them.
quote of the day- januari 3
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
" Every Life has a purpose. Share your story and you may help someone find their own. "
the reason I decided to become honest about my personal struggles is because the issues that I've dealt with are still taboo to talk about. Self-harm, eating disorders, addictions, and mood disorders are thongs people aren't always open about. But its so important that someone starts talking about these issues, so that those who are struggling know that there is help out there. It is my job to be a beacon of hope for the little girl that doesn't have any.
Goal: stand up for those who can't yet. Give them support and strength.
Quote of the day- januari 2
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
" One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. "
- Henry Miller
I've been so blessed to be abl to travel so much over these last few years. One of the moste profound things I witnessed while traveling was seeing how much we take for granted. I've seen slums where people are walking around without shoes or jackets in the freezing cold. I've been to places where people are working so hard at such physically demanding jobs while making hardly any money. It taught me to value every person in this planet and to not take my job for granted.
Goal: stay open to anything and take a day ( or week ) seeing a new part of the world. If you can't afford to take time off work then visit a new neighborhood in your own town. Be grateful for everything you have.
Quote of the day- januari 1
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
" You are beautifully and wonderfully made "
A while back I decided I needed a mantra of my own. Something that was personal and meaningful that I could tell myself to bring comfort and love as well as root myself in the present moment. TheBible says " you are fearfully and wonderfully made," so i came up with " you are beautifully and wonderfully made." I say it to myself all the time, and it really helps me find peace knowing that I am perfect just as I am and that I don't need anything beyond what I have within me.
Goal: in this new year, come up with a mantra that is just yours. Each day look in the mirror and repeat it back to yourself.
Quote of the day
Skrivet: · Allmänt, quote of the day
" The cruelest thing you can do to someone is force them to hurt alone "
The land of stories
The enchantress returns