Today is a big step in our march toward equality. Gay and lesbian couples now have the right to marry, just like anyone else. #LoveWins
Lady Gaga
Now everyone gets to experience this happiness on their wedding day #MarriageEquaility
Kristen Bell
THIS IS WHY:At 11:53 a.m., 82yr old George Harris & 85yr old Jack Evans were married in Dallas …
Ellen Page
Wow. So moved to hear such amazing news. What a beautiful day. Grateful to those who have worked so tirelessly for equality. #lovewins
Lance Bass
We are so proud to be American today! All of our #LGBT brothers and sisters can now love freely! TY #SupremeCourt!
ALL 50 STATES!!!! So happy. Times are changing my friends. We have such a long way to go and so…
Fuck yeah America #LovesWins
Starbucks Coffee
Pharrell Williams
Ben & Jerry's
We celebrate today’s #MarriageEquality victory! Thank you for your support & work! #LoveWins
Ariana Grande
crying my eyyyes out watching the marriage equality snapchat story is a beautiful,joyous, long overdue day
Harry Styles.