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moshimoshi :D
så liam från 1 D har fått lite problem efter som att han tweetade att han var ett stort fan av Willie Robertson som är homofob. Twitter och liam exploderade och det höll på riktigt länge. Visst håller jag med om att man kan älska en show utan att gilla den som spelar i showen och att folk inte ska bestämma själv om vad det betyder. Man ska alltid vänta på en förklaring innan man skäller ut personen. men ändå så känner man sig lite..meeh typ. Jag hoppas bara att allt kommer att ordna sig.
Här nere kan ni se vad han skrev
Liam payne: Being a fan of someones show and the way they still hold a family together doesnt mean i am ok with all they say.
Liam Payne: Oh my god can someone literally not be a fan if a show without bring labeled WTf I bought dinner the other day it made a news story
Liam Payne: What I gotta do to please you bastards I'm a 20 year old just living life as you did when u where twenty but in extraordinary circumstances
Liam Payne: I can't do anything without being judged u try that and write about it
Liam Payne: And I know I'm playing into your hands writing these tweets but I'm sick of stupid stories it's time you all grow up
Liam payne: And write about things that actually matter not what im gunna have for dinner tomorrow or who I'm a fan if real stories
Liam Payne: Look at this shit I never said any if that write about something real for once there's plenty of issues In the world
Liam Payne: I just watched a show and I liked it as most people do stop sitting in my twitter and do your research #lazyjournos
Liam Payne: All those tweets are aimed at journalists and bloggers not fans
Liam Payne: Sick of all this bull il be back again when the freedom of speech law is back and people don't believe to much into the bulls#!t they read
Liam Payne: Can't wait for the call tomorrow where I get told of for cussing had to be said like I said before much worse has happened In the world
Liam Payne: Pick ur balls up off the floor and get on with it instead of taking advantage of every word said and twisting it for your own gain